Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No Loud Soup, Please

My cooking is notable for Audrey not because of flavor but because of the sounds it makes. When I got out the in-pot immersion blender the other day to puree some potato leek soup, she backed up nervously, then her eyes grew wide, and finally they filled with tears and I had to turn it off and wait until Scott got home to finish pureeing. She is still talking about the "loud soup" that Mommy made. And then, as if that wasn't bad enough, yesterday I left some burgers grilling in the pan without remembering to turn on the fan over the stove and I set off the smoke detector. She didn't cry this time, but she did give me that look that says she is going to be making a note of the incident later, in her more extensive report of my shortcomings.


Ellen said...

Love it! And what a great pic of Audrey, but a better illustration for this piece would've been the one with sphagetti in her hair.

GooberMonkey said...

She is *such* a cutie. I love this picture of her!