Here's another completely un-original but nevertheless true observation about living with a small kid: she really does remind me of the wonder of everyday things, the hidden coolness of the mundane, the that-is-so-awesome-I-just-wet-my-pants amazement of simple pleasures. Audrey is as delighted to find the discarded cardboard tube of a toilet paper roll as you or I would be to find a $100 bill on the sidewalk. And it's good to live with someone like that.
It is also, of course, exhausting and sometimes tedious to go through the world with someone who moves at this pace-- who needs several minutes to examine a display at the grocery store and even then may wail when hauled away. Or who has a bottomless fascination with the panic button on my car keys. Or who is certain that all child-protected drawers contain treasure.
But these anoyances aside, living with a toddler reminds me to look for those small delights that the world is always offering up, for free. Like that raisin she just discovered under the stove.