Sunday, July 15, 2007

A couple of recent Kris-and-Chickpea profiles...and one of Neko

More outfits from the "My Friend Kate's Closet" summer maternity collection... If it weren't for her, I'd be wearing the same stretched out blue pajamas pants every day.

Scott and Neko are showing their solidarity with me by spending extra time loafing around on the couch. At left, Neko demonstrates...

Chickpea's baby gifts. What is it and how does it work?

Package instructions: lay baby on center of swaddling blanket, wrap tightly as for burrito or enchilada. Enjoy quiet, motionless baby!

Below, Ruth helpfully explains how some colorful new toys are best employed.

Opening gifts at Chickpea's Baby Shower

We were ably assisted by Hanuman (age 5, orange t-shirt) and Ruth (age 2, pink tank top) with opening baby gifts from our terrific friends. That's Rebecca, our hostess, sitting on the blanket next to Scott.