Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Things I swore I'd never do as a parent...

1. Allow baby to grow accustomed to falling asleep in my arms or splayed across my body. So much for that plan. But it's awfully sweet, isn't it?
2. Discuss the contents of my child's diapers with others. At least I can say that I mostly keep this kind of conversation to friends who also have children... and have seen a few thousand diapers in their time. And I try to avoid using nicknames like "Poopy McPoops-a-lot" when we are outside the house.
3. Carry and/or wear the baby almost continuously. Your correspondent is currently wearing a sleeping baby. And eating her words.
4. Make that drinking her words-- I also swore I would never drink caffinated coffee while breastfeeding and even gave my mom a hard time about having done this. I mean, it's just common sense, right?! And yet here I am, six in the morning, enjoying every last caffinated drop. But it's only one cup a day. And I can quit any time I want.

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