Monday, October 4, 2010

The racing grocery cart

Friends, I give you the two-seater racing-car child-minding grocery cart. Trying to steer this sucker around the narrow aisles of a crowded supermarket is not easy, but it is now the only way I can take both kids shopping. Even with both of them strapped into these seats, I still find that the cart mysteriously fills up with boxes of cookies that I do not remember pulling off the shelves.

Scott says this is how he feels when I'm driving. Shall we install a passenger side steering wheel for the Matrix?

Calvin warms up his Grocery Store Grin for all those adoring women in the produce section who just can't wait to pinch his fat cheeks. Careful, ladies-- behind those cherubic lips are four very sharp teeth.


Ellen said...

Calvin is looking so much like Scott these days! Love both those little people. Thanks for sharing.


Mom said...

What I can't imagine is- once you fill up the shopping cart, how do you get all the groceries and your two race car drivers into your own vehicle, everyone safely buckled up in car seats of course, then how do you get groceries and two little ones out of the car and safely back into the house, including up those steep back stairs???