Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dinner for three of four corners

We had a lovely dinner tonight at our neighbors' home across the street. Since we live at an intersection this was billed as the "four corners dinner" and we had three of four corners represented. Great food, great company, and Audrey didn't break anything!

Going into someone else's home now is such a different experience. If I could wish for a superpower, I think it would be the ability to spontaneously turn my body into a baby gate, so I could block the way to such tempting items as that Christmas tree in the background. Lynda thoughtfully-- and wisely-- put her sturdiest ornaments on the bottom.

What will I call my new super-hero persona? And can I also have the ability to lock toilet lids from across the room, empty cabinets of all "sharps" just by looking at them, and create an anti-gravity field around her highchair? Please don't comment merely to tell me that my superpower choice is totally pathetic. Our lives are what they are, and right now, my life is often about keeping Audrey from playing in the toilet bowl.

Did I just hear a splash?

1 comment:

Ellen said...

"It is what it is." is a comment I find myself saying frequently about my own life....