Monday, March 30, 2009

I'll be hiding in my bed under the covers with my eyes closed

Audrey has become a bit obsessed about the videos we took of her at the hospital, and during her first few days at home. I figure that this is reasonably wholesome viewing. She especially likes the one in which our dearly departed cat, Neko, meets the baby for the first time and then stalks off in a fury.

When the afternoons get long-- particularly on those days like today when Audrey declines a nap-- I sometimes try to con her into playing games like "Amuse yourself quietly while Mom reads a magazine" or "Find Mom under the blanket on the living room floor."

She is so not falling for this. While I was reading my book on the couch she walked up to me, wagged her finger and said sternly, "No book!"

Fortunately the little imp is now snoring sweetly on the baby monitor and Scott and I are sitting down for a little t.v. And no, we are not watching Neko Meets the Baby. It's nice to just sit here and not having anyone (no matter how much I love her, and I do) commanding me to sit down in a tiny Ikea chair at a tiny Ikea table and put the farm animal puzzle together.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

I wish I could play with Audie for a while to give you a break! She's welcome anytime you want to ship her out this way.