Friday, November 6, 2009

"Lots and lots and more" (Notes from the language lab)

She likes what she likes, and when she likes something, she wants more of it. One frequently heard expression from Audrey these days is "lots and lots and more," usually in reference to a food item like cheese sticks but also applicable to barrettes and stickers. It's fascinating to see her cobble together a vocabulary out of the raw materials at hand-- the things that Scott and I say that we don't even notice until they are launched back at us, sometimes adorably and sometimes making us recognize that we really have to watch it because there is a little cognizant being down there at the three-foot level and her tape-recorder is most definitely ON.

Here are some of our favorite words and phrases of the moment. My mom reminds me often that if we don't write them down, they'll soon be forgotten. Already, her baby words are starting to disappear...

Zigick = music. As in "Zigick class" on Saturday mornings, or demands for "more zigick now!" in the car. And "Not this zigick! Audrey no like." For the record, she likes Johnny Cash best of all, and she can get quite piqued if she doesn't like the CD or the radio station we're playing.

Pliget = piglet.

Cock-a-dooloo-dooloo! = sound of the rooster.

I am frequently addressed as "Hon" and "honey", and bolstered with an enthusiastic "Good job, Mommy!" when I use the bathroom. I'm also offered a high-five for putting dishes in the dishwasher, and remembering to put the train set away.

And of course she says, "I do it" and "That mine" and "I need that!" with increasing frequency. She also stands at the foot of the stairs, hands on hips, and says, with just a touch of impatience, "Scott, where are you?"

I have no idea where she picked that one up.

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