Sunday, May 3, 2009


Audrey likes to go for a nice after-dinner walk around the block with her dad, and before they go, she selects a hat and handbag for herself, as well as a hat for Scott. Scott won the esteem of other dads on our street for walking around the neighborhood in a felt pirate hat.

Here's a short exchange I had with Audrey tonight that illustrates a certain emerging element of her personality. We have a little plastic kiddie slide that's about two feet high, and until recently Audrey always sat down upon reaching the top. No more.

Me: Audrey, please sit down when you are on the slide.
Audrey: (smiling, standing) No!
Me: (adopting firm tone) Yes, you need to sit down. We SIT DOWN when we are on the slide.
Audrey: (still smiling) Audrey don't.

She don't do anything except what she wants, apparently. I think this is why Scott will oftentimes put his arm around my shoulder and say lovingly, "She is just exactly like you, sweetie."

1 comment:

Mom said...

After noticing Audrey's little apron, from Kristen's toddler days, I think I notice a new piece of furniture in the background...???