Monday, January 4, 2010

Audrey reads to her kitty and assorted dolls

Brief entry this morning-- I'm trying to eat cereal while holding Calvin in the baby carrier and a lot of the cereal is going onto his head. Here is Audrey reading one of her stand-by favorites, The Big Orange Splot (I loved it as a kid too; Daniel Pinkwater is one of the finest).


Mom said...

How to win your Gramma's heart!! Big Orange Splot is one of the best little stories ever. I'm sure the Taos Chili Dogs are enjoying the story, too, and they would fit right in Mr Plumbean's yard on his "neat street."

Ellen said...

I love Audrey's cute shirt, and the pigtail on the top of her head! I remember when books were this engaging. Wish I had the time to enjoy one, with or without pictures! Thanks for sharing.