Calvin's a much bigger baby than his sister was at the same age. He's wearing the size 2 disposable diapers already, and, some of the time, these gigantic cloth diapers. I love the fat thighs and the bowl-full-of-jelly there in the middle. Today while I was dressing him-- and those of you who have tried to dress a newborn know how hard this is, since they do absolutely nothing to help you-- I think he actually laughed a little while I had him completely tangled up in the onesie and couldn't even find his head. Or maybe he smiled and coughed at the same time, I'm not sure.
Audrey continues to amuse with her commentary. This morning, while watching me get dressed, she said, "Good job, Mom! I so proud of you! You just like a big sister!" I love how she mixes-and-matches with the bits of praise and scolding that she hears from us. Recently I also received the following admonishment: "No, Mommy! I a teacher. You in time out!"
Guess we can go ahead and cross "Time Out" off the list of effective disciplinary tactics.
Calvin looks like a little Scott!
We can not believe how fast Calvin is growing. We are still holding onto hopes that he may be a redhead like Scott.
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