Monday, May 17, 2010


Sentimentality warning: don't read this if you have had it up-to-here with Mommy blogger sappiness.

This photo, which was taken by our great friend Amy a few weeks ago, makes my chest ache. Audrey's face has just that little curve of baby roundness, the dimple in the chin, the fawn eyes. Even since it was taken her face looks longer and more little girl than infant. And every day she carries herself a bit more like the independent being she is working hard to become. To wit-- sometimes, instead of saying "No!" and battling me when she doesn't want to do something, she just shrugs and says, "Nope," and moves on. Which is such a frank acknowledgement that I do not control her, that she will decide for herself, it sets me back on my heels every time it happens. I love her independence in the abstract, as much as it makes me pull my hair out in the moment.

All right then. On with the day. Miss Independent Spirit has to be picked up from nursery school, where she makes everyone call her "Dr. Audrey" and goes around with the play stethoscope saying, "Take a deeeeeeeeeep breaf."

1 comment:

Ellen said...

What a great picture of both of you, Kris! Thanks for sharing!

I'd love to hear an audio recording of Dr. Audrey at preschool. How precious just hearing your recounting.