Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Overheard: Poor, friendless Oobleck...

Here's a textbook example of how maddeningly slow I can be to catch on, and the incredible patience Audrey is developing to deal with that.

To understand this exchange you must know two things: 1) oobleck is a cornstarch and water mixture that makes a cool liquid-solid, and 2) some of the kids in Audrey’s preschool have really weird names.

Audrey [while riding in the car]: Mommy, I played with oobleck at school today!

Me [exuding enthusiasm]. That’s wonderful honey! Is Oobleck a boy or a girl?

Audrey: [short pause] Oobleck is not a friend, Mom.

Me [exuding feelings of deep sorrow and concern] Audrey, that’s not very nice. Everyone at school is a friend.

Audrey: No! Oobleck is NOT A FRIEND!

Me: But why? Why can’t Oobleck be your friend? Which one is Oobleck, anyway?

Audrey: [totally exasperated] Oobleck is WHITE, in a BOWL, Mom. You play with it.

Me: [contritely] Oh. I see. Sorry.


dillard said...

I read this at work and had to muffle my laughter. I can totally envision this exchange and the expression on your faces. Oh dear.

Sarah said...

This. is. hilarious.