Friday, November 28, 2008

The Thanksgiving table, before we ate it all.

Difficult to get nine people (well, eight and a half pint) into the frame of the photo, but Elaine did it, and I was glad she thought to take the picture at the beginning of our meal when everything was laid out in perfect order.

There was a tiny little bit of drama about the turkey, earlier in the day when it didn't thaw exactly as fast as the package directions indicated it would. After a little bit of screaming, hair pulling and moaning, Scott was able to calm me down, get the turkey breast into a turkey bag, and save the day. Nothing else went spectacularly wrong, except that Audrey didn't take a nap all day. She was so excited by all the guests that she actually behaved fine and went to bed on time. We all gave thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salad!? What kind of Thanksgiving is that?
