Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Calvin in stripey PJs, and an explanation about printers

Calvin can now sit up completely on his own, for long stretches of time, and when he stops sitting it's not because he has toppled backwards (although in moments of extreme excitement this can still happen) but because he has gone into Almost Crawling mode, on all fours, in order to reach for something.

Slow down, my little son! You grow up too fast!

And I hope you will enjoy this Overheard, from Scott. I caught it while eavesdropping on Audrey and Scott cleaning up in the "library," which is the boneyard for our obsolete electronics and unwanted books.

Audrey: (pointing to defunct printer) Why does it not work anymore?
Scott: Well, see, it wasn't working and Daddy tried to fix it and make it work again and he.... broke it some more.

Well said, Mr. Eleven-years-of-MIT-education.


Ellen said...

Calvin looks like such a Cabbage Patch kid! Or maybe I say that because I found all my old dolls this week while cleaning out 20 boxes left in my parents' attic. Well, anyway, he's darn cute!

Mimi and PopPop said...

Calvin seems to have grown up a lot since the previous pictures, 8 days ago. My, my how fast they change.