Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Overheard: Audrey? Is that you?

So we were just sitting here in the living room about thirty minutes ago, both clickety-clicking away on our laptops, having long, long since dispensed with the children, when we heard a weird calling on the baby monitor. A child's voice, from a distance. It sounds... like Audrey... but it's not coming from her room. She's... somewhere else in the house? We went upstairs to find her quite happily sitting in the guest bedroom (in a seriously, hideously soiled diaper, it turns out) and just as pleased as punch to see us.

"Audrey, what are you doing in here?" I asked, genuinely interested to see if she could explain it. "I was hiding in here! Like a sleeping pig!" she reported. "How long have you been in here?" I asked, since it was past ten and almost two hours since we put her to bed. "Well," she said, turning her palms up and shrugging, "thirty-nine."


Ellen said...

Didn't know sleeping pigs played hide-and-go-seek. At least she wasn't sleepWALKing.

Mom said...

What if she decides to do the "sleeping pig" routine in one of those attic closets next time? Or....who knows where?? If I were Audrey I'd be looking for a place to hide that dirty diaper where you'd never find it. Never a dull moment! Just when a parent thinks s/he has figured something new out, Little Pig gets another jump on you. How far back do your own memories go- to age 3 or 4? When Audrey is that age, and you are able to remember what you were up to then, you may be able to match wits with her ;-)