Readers, she did it. She went, while sitting on her Elmo potty seat. It was basically just a fluke, and no more intentional than the call she made this morning to the Town of Arlington animal control department (by hitting redial, her favorite button). But still. There was activity, of the right kind and in the right place, and it has made me feel hopeful that one day we'll put the diapers away. I've talked to enough parents and read enough stuff on-line to realize that children quite often reach this stage-- where they think sitting on the potty seat is really interesting-- a good year or more before they are actually ready to be fully trained. And I have heard from my friends almost without exception that I should relax and wait until she's ready or I will guarantee myself a longer wait and a bigger struggle. So. Okay. I'm going to be patient. Or at least as patient as I am able to be, which is to say, not very, but I will try.
Our pediatrician offered not-so-helpfully that most children in Bulgaria are potty trained by the age of 15 months. But unless she's going to send me a Bulgarian nanny to live with us and execute this training, this information is not so useful to me. I am consoled by the fact that our pediatrician just had her first child and will soon rue the day she dispensed tidbits like this. (In fairness, she is a great doctor and I wish her a child who sleeps through the night soon.)
We're still busy unpacking from our California trip but when that's done and we're all wearing clean socks again, I'll tell you how it went.
Three cheers for the Elmo potty seat!
1 comment:
Did I hear you say California Trip?
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