Thursday, July 23, 2009


That's all!


Ellen said...

Wow--Audrey looks so much older in this picture. Tell me she isn't getting to be this big. You can always ship her out to me to hang onto till you guys make it to the west coast.

K said...

Believe me, Ellen, there are some afternoons that I would gladly send Audrey to L.A. for a little while! I'm sure you girls will have a good time together when she's old enough to fly unaccompanied!

Chris W. said...

I have to echo Ellen! Audrey looks so much more grown up all of a sudden.

And what big news about the move! Shall we try to schedule a picnic before you go? When are you moving?

We've taken Gregory out to Spy Pond a couple of times. Is that the reservoir near you?

PopPo said...

I've looked at the "Sweet" picture at least twice a day since it was posted. I still cannot believe our granddaughter is growing up so quickly.

Thanks Kris for all the postings,