Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Overheard: You Blessed

The other day as I was taking Audrey upstairs for nap time-- a hopeful exercise on my part which seldom, if ever, results in sleeping-- I offered to read some stories to her before she got into bed. She told me, "Mama, I'm going to read you a story. It's called, "I don't want to take a nap." Did you spot that little piece of subtext there? With just a hint of sass? Yep. Outmaneuvered, again.

One more: Calvin sneezed several times in a row yesterday (a habit he inherited from Scott whose normal sneeze pattern is seven or eight convulsive sneezes in as many seconds) and Audrey said to him, "Bless you! Bless you! There: you blessed."

1 comment:

Mom said...

I have the unique advantage of having known Audrey's Mom when SHE was a little two-year-old who did NOT want to take naps, either! Or "time outs," or a lot of other things. And I was unsuccessful in enforcing them. More power to Kristen who is able to get Audrey into bed, even with such a retort ;-)