Monday, April 26, 2010

High-Five Hilarity

It looks a little bit like Audrey is trying to smack Calvin here, but rest assured, she's aiming for my hand. Not that she has never taken an experimental swing at her brother, or won't in the future, but it was all friendly this time. I love the sound of Calvin's laughter. And we didn't manage to get it into the video, but I also loved Audrey saying, "We laughing together, Mom! We laughing together!"


Heather said...

I love how Audrey leans in to kiss Calvin with the hand-behind-the-head move. Brady has that too - I can't imagine I have ever kissed him that way, but that is his view of how you give kisses. Funny!

Anonymous said...

There is no sound more endearing than a baby chuckling. Can't get enough of this one!

Mom said...

Anonymous was a Mom:

I said that. The first time I tried to post, it just didn't take at all, and the second time it did that.