Friday, August 6, 2010


Calvin and I have our mother-son time first thing in the morning, which is all right with me especially on mornings like this one when he slept all the way through the night-- and by the way, "through the night" means 7-7, not this five hour nonsense that parenting books define. Who considers 5 hours a full night of sleep? Not I.

Calvin likes to get up around 5:30, about an hour and a half before his sister and his dad, so we come downstairs together and I sit on the living room floor attempting to read and drink lukewarm coffee while Calvin uses me for a climbing wall.

Last week we said he could crawl, and stand. Now, he will not remain seated. He's working on cruising now, the inching crab-walk supported by furniture, but he's still a little bit perplexed about the role that his feet are supposed to play. He holds on tight to the couch and looks down at his feet and you can see him thinking: Go. Go. GO!!!

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