Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ain't Necessarily So (Chickpea carries on. And on and on and on.)

A shout out to Jill B. and Richard H. S., two real-live Chickpea readers who continue to stay out of Facebook Nation, and good for you!  I just wanted to assure you that my idle threats to stop blogging were... well, idle. It was all just a bit of bleating for attention.

Which worked, I dare say.

But let's return to our blog roots, since it's a family-oriented holiday today. Here is a photo of the kids, eviscerating a pumpkin.

Happy Halloween, y'all. It's good to have your company out there.


Anonymous said...

Dear Kris,
We also stay away from Facebook, (except my business has a page) so we appreciate your blog posts and photos!
Margaret, Larry and Ruth

Gord said...

Dear Kris,

Facebook is evil. Hope you are doing well. We took Amelia to a live Dora the Explorer show at a hockey area with 1000's of screaming under 4-year-olds in suburban Toronto last night. Am still in a kind of shock recovering today. Parenting does this to us.

Gord (& jen & Amelia)