I always thought that second children were photographed less because parents were just not as giddy about babies by that time, but now I realize it's simply that you can't pick up a camera very often when you are taking care of two kids. So while Audrey is at school, I'm posting a couple photos of Calvin just to be fair to the poor little sprout. He's given us his first smiles this week, but they are so fleeting we haven't captured any on camera yet. And I don't have five hours like I did with Audrey to stand there hovering with the camera to get the perfect shot, so you'll just have to take my word for it.
Audrey still delights in Calvin, calling him "Baby Barfy" and "My sweet little baby." While she was helping us give him a bath last night she said, "That's our baby. We buy him at the hoppital."
Well, sort of. I guess you could say that I bought him there, and paid with my girlish figure and a year's worth of solid sleep.
Hello there, dear little sweetheart!! If only I were right there and could just scoop you up in my arms!!
Yes, we would like to be right behind Grandma Jean to cradle him in our arm too. Glad to know that Audrey and Calvin are better.
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