Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday morning with Mom and Dad

This certainly isn't the most flattering picture of me, but I am not too vain to post it. Here's a slice of our Saturday morning: six a.m., Audrey's awake and dressed but I'm still too tired to get myself out of p.j.'s, and Scott's asleep so I take Audrey and some toys down the hall to the guest bed and supervise her play while I recline against some soft flannel covered pillowwwwssssszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Later, while I slowly get dressed and ready for the day, Audrey spends some quality time with her father, learning all about corporate activism as he fills out the giant stack of proxy statements that I have vowed to put in the recycling bin if they continue to clutter the kitchen table. Her head is blurred here as she nods vigorously her "Yeah" vote to approve the slate of Board of Director nominees at Acme., Inc.

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