Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Glimpses of what's ahead

We spent this past weekend with our friends Beth and Alan and their daughter Delia, who will be two at the end of this summer. We watched Delia talk, take care of her dolls, ride her tricycle and play on the jungle-gym at the park and marveled at the idea that Audrey will be doing all of these things before long. One thing that Scott and I are lucky to have a lot of is friends with kids older than ours, even if just by a little bit, because we're always getting previews of what's around the next corner. Delia and her parents are moving out of state in a few months, and we are really going to miss having them closer to Boston. (Our regular readers may recall the "Handknits by Beth" post from last fall-- the wee purple vest and hats are her work).

Delia (or "DIL-ah" as she calls herself) is a regular little sweetie, quick to offer hugs to her guests. And she's a big fan of scones. Aren't we all!

Audrey observes Delia carefully, noting her posture, stance and quick hand-eye coordination.

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